I have a post-graduate in Education, and I'm exploring the idea of applying to do a PHD in, 'The Phenomena of cultural celebration' I plan to circumnavigate the globe in search of the greatest festivals on the Planet exploring the phenomena that is the celebration of the human spirit. My aim is not to go as a spectator but as a participant, I’m going to go to Timbuktu and go to the Worlds most Remote Music festival in the Sahara Dessert, Go to the Largest gathering of people on Earth at the Kumbh Mela, Play Samba in Rio Carnival, Help celebrate the Penis in Japan, restore the balance between the heavens and the Sea in Sumba, Cause Civic Chaos in Peru. It will be a documentary of Cultural exploration and Celebration. Why do we Celebrate? what makes people come together and party? what cultural significances are associated with these gatherings? The PHD is away of possibly seeing this project through as it will have an investigative, educational backing, its my Punk way of trying to see a project through when all the other avenues, TV production companies, Publishers have all said a resounding NO! Its also a way of getting a PHD in Partying, You can call me Dr Party
Why do I Love art? I love Art because, I'm alive, and I keep saying that to myself specially recently with all the deaths that have surrounded my life. I recently Lost a friend of mine that I went to School with, Terry Wallace He was found overdose on the beach from smack. He was a bit of a nutter, but ultimately a good mate, went on Holiday with him, and great as back up in a School full of boys that want to fight you all the time. (Rest in Peace Terry) My Aunty also recently died which was heart breaking!
So what does all this have to with Art, because I think possibly I could have been found on that beach, if it wasn't for a sense of purpose. For a direction, for the ablity to take hold of my ideas and throw them out to the World. As I'm sitting here Im considering doing a PHD, I might be skint and noone wants to give me a Job, or buy any paintings, in which I think are really beautyful. But Im alive and making Art and I'm alive thats why I love Art.
Great one, John. Hope it all works out for you.